2019: A Year In Review

I can't believe we only have two days left for 2019. This year has been a another roller coaster ride but it is more of a happy year for me because I got to travel more this year! Yayy! 😄
It is already my fourth entry for my Year In Review. Ang bilis ng panahon! Looking back at my past entries, I feel like I already matured to the point that I know I am still lost and have problems but IDGAF anymore 😂 I guess that's when adulting hits you hard. Haha!
I've seen so many friends, acquaintances, and relatives got married and have a family of their own this year. I couldn't be more happy for them! 👪 Though, I am now asking myself if I already reached the age for marriage and having a family. I feel like I'm still young for it though I know I am not! Haha. I'm already 25 but I still look like 20 or even younger 😂
Joseph and I are on our second year of LDR. I can't believe two years has already passed since they went to US. We still talk every day via video call and chat. It has been two years but I feel like nothing has changed between us. 😍
For the first three months of 2019, I got busy with my work because I was hired full-time by a client and I had another part-time job along with it. I already made a blog post about it regarding my freelance work. Most of the details are there. It is one of the things I am thankful for. I got to save money for my travels.
In summer, I went to Davao with my friends and Boracay with my family. It was the best summer ever! Haha. I finally get to experience the white sand and the clear beaches.
In June, my family and I went to Puerto Princesa and El Nido, Palawan. We were so happy because it is our first time to travel together.
I started my diet in July. I was supposed to donate blood at the blood letting activity near my area but I just got back from Palawan so I was deferred. During the process they took my weight and I was so shocked to know that I am already 66.1 kg. That was my heaviest weight ever! I was only 55 kg back in college. Haha!
I finally got back on my senses and started my diet. I learned that you can really do it, you just have to set your mind to it

After more than 3 months, I almost lost 10 kg. I look preggo on the left photo. I know! Haha. 😂 I "paused" my diet in November though! Being on a diet is really pricey. I swear! I buy chia seeds, almond milk, yogurt, meat, etc daily and those are not cheap ya'll. I will start again in January. Hoping to loose 5 more kilos.
During my diet, I cooked most of my meals so I can really watch what am eating. I was so concious about my diet to the point I really count my daily calorie intake. Haha! Also, I don't really cook much before so my Mama is so happy that I am preparing most of our meals now. Haha! I am not sure if I'll write a blog post about my weight loss though. Let me know if you're interested on that!
2019 is also my year of food adventures and events! I got to meet new blogger friends and my SaanSaPH family. Yes, I went to fmu's and events even I was on a diet. Haha! I also started to establish my Youtube channel this year. I just upload my travels before but now I also make contents for it too. Not on a weekly basis though! Haha. Hoping for more improved contents on this blog and on my vlogs next year!
In October, Sachi, Gen and I founded Tagaytay Bloggers, a community of bloggers based in Tagaytay and nearby areas (Silang, Amadeo, Mendez, etc).
Karissa and I went to Macau last November. It is my last travel for this year and it is my first out of the country. That trip was life changing and definitely a memorable one!
I am kinda on hiatus this December because I want to spend time with my family. Maybe I will just resume posting next year. My family and I celebrated Christmas in a very simple way, just like we usually do and it will probably be the same this New Year's Eve. I guess this will also be my last blog post for this year. To more contents in 2020! 😊
I am thankful for all the blessings, new friendships, old friends who stayed, life lessons, and travels this year. Thank you, Papa God! 🙏 I am also thankful to the brands and companies I collaborated with this year. And of course, I am thankful for all the love and support you give to this blog. We'll have more food adventures, events, and travels together next year! May we all have a blessed New Year full of success, good health, and love!💖
Looking forward for the next year and what the future holds. I'm ready for you 2020! Bring it!
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