10 Unforgettable Lessons I Learned from Traveling

When I was a kid, one of my dream is to travel. I grew up with a family who doesn't prioritize travel. But don't get me wrong, I do understand my Mom and I believe that we all have our own timeline. And my dream finally happened this year! ✈
I first rode an airplane back in Summer of 2018 and that was my first travel experience. This year, I was able to go to Davao and Boracay in Summer. In June, I went to Palawan with my family. In November, I went to Macau and it was my first time to travel abroad. I got to travel with different people and in different places. Every trip was memorable and I learned so much from it.
1. I feel like I'm a different person every time I am back from a trip. I meant it in a good way. I'm like a more matured and better version of me. Haha! I've learned so much from life, cultures, meetings new people and exploring new places. I feel like this year triggered / awakened my inner self and maybe, I'm really a traveler after all. I like watching other people's way of life and their stories. I don't know but sometimes it amazes me.
2. Get out of my comfort zone. I was never an adventurous kind of person but that changed when I first traveled. I was excited to try new things and that includes a few extreme ones. Haha! I tried parasailing alone in Boracay. Haha! It was so worth it! I also tried traveling to Boracay solo, though I met my family there. Both of my eyes have the grade of 800 but I tried snorkeling in El Nido for the first time and it was awesome! I wore my contact lenses ofc. Haha! I was afraid that the sea water might get through the snorkeling gear but heck, that was El Nido! I had to do it! Haha. With the experiences, I guess I am not afraid to travel solo and I wanna do it. Maybe next year? 😊
3. You can save money for your travels. 💸 Traveling is definitely NOT just for the rich. Some of my relatives think that I'm already earning so much just because I travel. Well, I wish! Haha. It just so happen that I got to save enough money for my travels earlier this year. I didn't plan for my travels overnight. I always plan ahead of time so I can save money for that trip. For example, we booked our Macau plane tickets in March but the actual trip is in November. I had 8 months to save money for our hotel, activities and pocket money. If you really want to travel, then go save for it. Traveling also doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money. I'm always on a budget whenever I travel. It's okay to set a limit.
4. Plan your travel. Get to know the place. Make your itinerary. 📚 Do some research. Know the place you're going. Yeah, you can be spontaneous but I'd still recommend that you do your research so you will know where to go and how to find/commute to that place. Having an itinerary makes traveling so much easier. You'll also know how much you will be needing for that trip and such. It's also better to be knowledgeable than to be ignorant. If you know what I mean? Uhm? Haha. Thailand, for example, have temples and they have dress codes.
5. It's okay to get lost sometimes. I mean, literally! Haha. Make it part of the adventure. Don't be shy to ask around with the locals. Don't let it get on your nerves. Just be positive and everything will be fine. 😉
6. Always try to make new friends and meet new people. I guess it's part of the adventure. We've met a lot of people during our trip in Macau but didn't get to ask their socials. Haha! I really like meeting new people from my travels. #MissCongeniality But of course, always be careful too! Don't let your guard down.
7. Go and take that photo/video. 📸 If you think that there are people who'll judge you for taking that "tourist-y" photo, so what? Let them be and do your thing! Well, I was once like that and I regret it every damn time. Don't be like me! 😆
8. Pack light. 🧳 Haha! I can still remember when I was packing for Davao. My luggage weigh 12 kgs and we'll just be there for like 4 days? Haha! I always reason out that my luggage alone is already more than 2 kgs, but it was just me over-packing. Haha! I didn't even get to wear half of the clothes I brought. The truth is, we tend to over-pack when we don't have ootd plans in mind. You just throw clothes into your luggage and bahala na si batman. Plan your OOTD days before your trip, so there's no room for cramming and you won't have to bring other clothes that you don't actually need. It is better if you also try them on to really know if the ootd suits your liking. I've actually seen it in Camille Co's vlog and it really helped me during my last trip. And I guess, that's another lesson learned. It is so damn hard to be a traveler and a fashionista. I mean, how could they bring clothes around and change outfits? Haha! Just bringing my gorillpod/tripod already exhaust me. Lol!
9. Each city is unique and has a story to tell. Appreciate. 🧡 Do not believe to those people who says that "this country" is so ordinary, not worth it, no good places to go to, and so on. I actually appreciate every places I went to. Every place has a story to tell and every trip is a memorable one for me. Learn to see good in every country and don't just hate, can we?
10. Be humble, always. Learn to adapt and be open minded. During my first travel abroad, I realized how every nationality differs and we should respect that. We have different cultures and languages. It's nice to learn a few of them. Do no discriminate anyone just because they don't speak English. Be resourceful. We have Google translate ya know. Aside from that, each place also has different laws that we should follow even we are just tourists. I am really amazed how other people in other countries stop at the pedestrian when you're crossing the street. It's different here in the Philippines! Haha. I first experienced it in Davao and I keep wishing that it would be like that all over the country. I hope people who travels keep the discipline even though they are back here in the country already.
To more travel in the future! 🛪
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