Stay Fresh Body Sparkling Mist by Althea x Titi Kamal

Althea recently collaborated with Titi Kamal, a beautiful talented movie star and singer from Jakarta, Indonesia, and they have come up with this Stay Fresh Body Sparking Mist. This is Althea's first body mist! They worked so hard in the past year and they've launched a lot of stuff. I'm so happy for them!
This mist is a lightweight body fragrance with Titi Kamal's favorite fruity and floral scents: Orange, Peach, and Rose. The bottle is perfectly sized to fit in your handbag or travel carry-on so you'll always be ready to impress. And it's in pink! ;)
The scent is very feminine. I never thought I'd love the fruity and floral scent combined. It is not too sweet and not too floral. It produces a very small and fine spray which is nice to use. The amount of mist coming out is not too overwhelming. The mist can easily dry on your skin and you won't get too wet or messy applying it. It is also affordable! This mist is good 12 months after opening.
Where to buy?
How much? 450 pesos (Shipping fee excluded)

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