Vitamins to Help Ovulation

The first thing you are going to want to do is to make sure your diet is healthy and nutrient rich. You may want to talk to your doctor about getting a referral to a dietician or nutritionist. Therefore, you will then be able to know what foods to eat and to avoid while trying to conceive.
However, there is some good news and you don’t even have to wait to see a dietician or nutritionist. In order to regulate ovulation, there are fertility vitamins and herbal supplements to be aware of to help make that happen. Not to mention, there are also habits to kick while you are preparing yourself to get pregnant.
Below is a list of vitamins and minerals to consume while trying to conceive so it can help with ovulating:
Not only does calcium help with bone strength and development, but it is necessary to take for your reproductive system to work properly. You can get plenty of calcium by drinking plenty of milk, and eat plenty of cheese. However, if you don’t like milk or cheese, you can also eat plenty of green leafy vegetables. If that doesn’t appeal to you, then you can always take a 1000mg calcium supplement daily. Health food stores and pharmacies carry those supplements. Try Emergen-C as a fizzy drink or even a chewable tablet.
Folic Acid
Folic acid not only strengthens your reproductive system but for any woman who is trying to conceive must take this because it helps prevent neural tube defects in the fetus! Not only do you want to help your body with ovulation, but you want to create a healthy environment for the new baby to thrive. You must consume at least 400mg of folic acid per day, and leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and whole grains contain folic acid. You can also take a supplement. Most prenatal vitamins contain this amount of folic acid in their concoction.
Zinc is a powerful mineral to help with ovulation and tell your partner to get some zinc into him because it will help the quality of those swimmers. The recommended intake of zinc per day is 8 mg. Shellfish, dairy products, whole grains, and beans are rich in zinc. Remember if none of those appeals to you, there are plenty of good quality zinc supplements around.
Omega 3 Fatty Acid
This essential fatty acid is crucial to help with ovulation, as well as embryo quality. Salmon and other fish is an excellent source of Omega 3, however, it is highly recommended to take fish oil or nut oil supplements. If you are allergic to either, you will have to consult a dietician to find out how else to get Omega 3 into you. Some plant oils contain this important fatty acid as well.
Iron is used to help make hemoglobin, the component of red blood cells which carries the oxygen. You not only plenty of that to function, but if the hemoglobin levels are low, ovulation will not happen. Or at best, the quality will be low and conception won’t be likely as a result. Women need at least 18mg of Iron a day, and once confirmed pregnant, that intake must be bumped up to 27 mg a day. Foods such as red meat, dark leafy vegetables, and tofu are rich in iron. There are also good quality iron supplements to take.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C not only strengthens your immune system, but it helps with ovulation as well. Vitamin C is found in all citrus fruits and some vegetables. You can also take supplements if you wish.
Vitamin B6
Not only does Vitamin B6 help with ovulation and help increase the odds of conception, but you will want to have plenty of this vitamin in your system by the time you are pregnant. Studies have shown that if there is enough of Vitamin B6 in your system, it will help reduce the severity of pregnancy sickness. It is recommended to consume at least 10 mg of Vitamin B6. Seafood, eggs, poultry, nuts, seeds, and legumes are rich in Vitamin B6.
Take a Multivitamin
Even if you are consuming foods that are rich in all of the vitamins and minerals mentioned above, it is important to also take a multivitamin that contains everything that will not only help you with ovulation but help increase the odds of a healthy pregnancy after conception is achieved.
There is a chance that even if you are consuming foods and even taking supplements rich in these vitamins and minerals that some could be lacking. Therefore, a multivitamin can cover any deficits. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
Minimize the Sugar and Caffeine
If you have been eating candies, potato chips and other foods that are high in refined carbohydrates, it is highly recommended to limit those. If you have been drinking more than one cup of coffee a day, it is best to limit that cup to no more than one a day. Too much caffeine can hinder ovulation, and one cup of coffee will not likely do any harm. However, cut it off at that point.
Cut Out Booze Completely
If you are trying to get pregnant, it is best to completely cut out alcohol. You want to do everything in your power to increase the chances of conceiving, and having a healthy pregnancy.
There are also herbs that you can take that can help with female fertility, and listed below are some to consider if you wish:
Chaste Tree Berry - this particular tonic is known to stimulate the production of progesterone and other vital hormones.
The Root of Wild Yam- this herb helps promote ovulation.
Korean Ginseng- This one helps with hormonal production, as well ovulation.
If you are interested in purchasing these herbal supplements that are known to help with female fertility, health food stores carry them.
Now that you know what foods to eat, and what supplements to take, and what habits to kick in order to help promote your fertility and conceive- you can start getting busy! Best of luck!
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