Saute Fusilli in Mackerel Recipe

In today's blog post, I will be sharing a very different one from all my previous blog posts. I will be sharing a simple and afforable recipe for you, fam! You all probably know that I like to review food and restaurant but this is my first time to share a recipe on my blog. Hope you like it!

My Ninang always cooks my favorite foods especially pasta. I love pasta so much and I got this recipe from her. It is simple but really appetizing! We always use tuna or chicken for this recipe but this time, we will be using Uni-Pak Mackerel in natural oil. We were kinda surprised with the outcome. It tastes really good. It is also nice to experiment and explore with something new dahil hindi basta nakasanayan the best na yan.
Uni-Pak is locally manufactured here in the Philippines. I really like the quality of this brand. It is well packaged. The fish is in good condition and it has Omega 3 which is good for the heart. Kaya basta Mackerel dapat tatak Unipak!

First, prepare the ingredients.
Uni-Pak Mackerel in Natural Oil (15 oz.)
Fusilli pasta
Red Bell Pepper
All Purpose Cream (1/4)
A little bit of salt and pepper
Chop the bell pepper, onions, and garlic first. Our parsley is fresh from the backyard!

Then, preheat the pan. Add oil and saute garlic and onions.

Then, add the red bell pepper, parsley, mushrooms and Uni-Pak Mackerel. Drain the mackerel and mushrooms first so it won't be watery when you put it on the pan.

Add salt, pepper, and a little bit of all-purpose cream. Mix them all together and you're all done! Very simple, right? I just added parsley on the side to garnish. You may also add fresh tomatoes if you like.

As written from NHSS Choices, oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are said to help against cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer, age-related vision loss and dementia. It's a good source of vitamin D, protein, some B vitamins and selenium. It's also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat that is good for our health. (Source)Fish are a great alternative for meat if you are on a diet. This is a healthy recipe indeed. It has vegetables, mackerel, and less oil.
Does this photo look appetizing? Of course, it is! Aside from this recipe, I also have something for you, fam! We will be having a giveaway! One winner will get a gift pack from Uni-Pak! Check my Facebook post for the mechanics (Click here!).
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