Oppo F1s: Selfie Expert
I am so happy with my new phone and I realized it’s worth the share! If you wanna know my experience about this product. Just keep on reading. 😉
I always wanted iphone over smart phones but as time passes by, I realized some things and I’ve finally decided to get a smart phone instead. I wanted to buy a new phone just because my 16gb iphone 5s doesn’t work efficiently anymore. There are two issues with me, first is the battery. It’s like the apps consumes the battery as much as it want to. Second, 16gb is not enough anymore. With all the apps that I use and it also consumes the memory of my phone so much that I only have 400mb left. I never regret buying my iphone 5s. I’ve used it very well for more than two years but I hate to admit it, it’s not practical for me to buy a new iphone since it’s not cheap. We all know it.
I’ve searched on the internet and in the malls for a good smartphone but it took me for a while to find the one. I was never satisfied with other smart phones until one of my co-worker suggested the OPPO F1S. I had my doubt about this phone before because it’s cheap and I haven’t seen and tried it personally. I searched on the internet and I was quite impressed when I saw it. http://www.oppo.com/en/smartphone-f1s
The package includes the phone itself, a user guide, charger, headset, and a clear case. I just didn’t like the headset.
On the first glance, it does look like an iphone. The details are almost the same except for the home button and the brand name which is printed also on the back of the phone. It also has a finger print unlock.
It claims to have 16MP FRONT CAMERA. I was like, “What?! Seriously? 16MP front camera?” After our duty, I asked Joseph to accompany me to the neareast Oppo Store which was at Solenad 3, Nuvali, Sta. Rosa. After trying it and seeing it myself, I thought already that “This is the one” and “I really like it. I have to buy it”.
It has 32gb built in memory and you can still put memory card on it if you want to. Just what I need! I am also happy that I can put themes on my phone now. Lol. I am still adjusting with some of the feautures. Before I forgot, this phone is in dual sim!
They only have two colors. Gold and Rose Gold. Mine is in Rose Gold. They don’t have Gold when I bought it. I bet they are sold out most of the times.
There are some smartphones that claim to have good cameras but in my standard, it doesn’t look like it. But with this product, I am quite impressed. It auto adjusts in the dark so you can still have a good photo. And it’s good.
For just 12,990 pesos, this phone is really awesome! I didn’t buy it in full cash. I actually bought it through Home Credit. I only gave a down-payment and I’ll just have to pay the rest on a monthly basis. It’s my first experience to try it and they have fast and easy transactions. Thank you Home Credit!
I can give this product a rating of 4.8/5. 1 point for the price. 1 point for the camera. 1 point for being user friendly. 1 point for the overall appearance and another .8 for the sound/music quality.
I uploaded a mirror selfie on instagram and someone asked me what phone am I using ’cause the camera looks really good. Well, I take that as a compliment. Lol. This phone is currently on fame because of its camera features and price. Many people use it already. I’ve seen it while I’m commuting. Lol.
I would also like to share some of my photos taken by this phone.

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