Fashion 21 All-Day Matte Lipstick in All Day Bronze Review
This is my first product from Fashion 21. It is a drugstore brand here in the Philippines. I got curious about this All-Day Matte Lipstick because many Pinay beauty vloggers on YouTube had a review about it and says it is good. So I told myself, I have to try it!

I got mine in the shade of All-Day Bronze and I got it for only 175.00 pesos! I wanted to try Russet and Burgundy but it was out of stock when I bought this. Since I just wanted to try it, I only bought one. I chose their best seller, the All-Day Bronze.
To me, the packaging is really good. It doesn’t look 175.00-ish, from the box to the lipstick case. It comes in a bullet-like case and has metallic color.
So this is what the product looks like. All-Day Bronze is in a nude shade. The photo below is the swatch that I made. I only applied it once, and as you can see, it’s really pigmented.
Just a notet on this product, it does transfer. It goes away easily when you eat.
Tip when applying this lipstick: Since it’s a matte lipstick, make sure to use lip moisturizer or lip balm first before applying this lipstick. I tried applying it without moisturizer and my lips got dry patches/flakes.
Sorry for the woke-up like this photo! Just kidding! Haha! :p It’s just a bad hair day for me 😦 It looks like I’m not wearing any lipstick at all. I still like this product, and I would like to try Russet or Burgundy. I hope I can get those shades next time.
I hope you learned something from this review even though this is just a drugstore brand. As I’ve said on my past lipstick review, I only use drugstore brands at the moment since I can only afford those things for now.
If you want me to do another review about a certain product or any topic you want to suggest, pleases comment it down below. Xoxo.
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